Player: Gareth J
Ingvar Tallahasse, adventurer from a far land, self-claimed Slayer of the Great Dragon of Lekta, Saviour of the Bodiless Princess, Discoverer of the Lost City of D'gar! Ingvar turned up at the city a few weeks ago in the company of "Captain" Emilio Aurora, their Plan to save the city before the Disjunction arrives!
Revealed at the end as a liar, thief and unapologetic mass-murderer, the Gods in their infinite mercy did not see fit to do unto Ingvar Tallahassee as he had done to so many. He never left the Box in which he had tried to escape the Disjunction, imprisoned with nobody and nothing but his ill-gotten gains to ponder over for the rest of eternity.
The legend of Ingvar the Bloody-Handed still lives on, a story told to frighten children. Some legends say Ingvar's Box is still out there somewhere, bound in the crystal chains conjured by the newborn Gods. And some say that one day some power-mad Sorcerer will unwittingly release him, full of hatred and ready with his poison tongue to turn the World against the Gods. But that's just a story…