
Tuesday Meetings

The IC convocations are when characters have a chance to meet, diplome, scheme, plot and generally befriend and/or betray each other. OOC this is when players can turn up in costume and roleplay their characters while they do all of the above.

What can I do in Meetings?

At the start of game there will be magical mechanisms in place that prevent characters from harming each other during the session. Since this is a game that emphasises freedom and power the GM team makes no promises about the effectiveness of these mechanisms during the later stages of the game.

Whatever happens during gameplay if you wish to do anything obviously deviant in session you must come and find a GM before you attempt it, we may say no and we will likely require the consent of all involved.


There will be plenty of NPCs at the meetings who will be played by the GMs and identified by their differing costumes. Costume is not a requirement to play the game but it will enhance the flavour of the meetings if you do choose to come in costume, make-up or whatever else you feel is appropriate.

Your costume does not have to perfectly physically represent how you appear, especially if you have unusual supernatural features, and you'll be able to give an IC description of yourself which is how everyone will see you IC.

Disjunction's “fashion” has its closest analogy in the European Renaissance period of the 14th to 15th century. The city being noticeably different in that its style can be considered more Dickensian in feel…with more gears. However seeing as Anicca is now a vast melting pot of cultures and crazy new ideologies do feel free to dress as you see fit.

meetings.txt · Last modified: 2010/03/17 22:55 by gm_oliver
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