Introduction to Disjunction

The Setting

The World of the Disjunction is one that it doomed in a very imminent and obvious way; it is being eroded away by nothingness, a vast advancing wall of it. Thirty years have passed since this destruction was wrought and the world is a very different and a much less pleasant place than it once was. Despair and disharmony have arisen throughout the remains of the world driving many to desperate acts or pure insanity, dwindling resources force once amicable neighbours to war each other for survival; and the disciples of half-a-hundred corrupt and twisted religions now ravage the land and the minds of their flocks. There is little people can turn to for aid in this time of discord; the Gods are dead, their Church decaying and the old Empires fallen. Still those with power or those who yearn for it or those threatened by it still gather to see if they can change the fate of their world, or at least the manner of its end.

You can learn about the World in more detail on the Setting pages.

The Feel of Game

Disjunction is a game designed to be grim, dystopian and full of horror. Characters will exist in a world that is gradually dying and whether they are paragons of selfless virtue or nihilistic monsters every character concept should be designed around the knowledge that oblivion is approaching. To this end characters should not be based around the traditional idea of working towards an “eternity”, because in all likelihood any legacy they leave shall simply cease to be at the end of the game. Rather characters should be striving to face their end, and the end of the world, in the way that they see fit, having completed whatever goals they set for themselves before the end. As such a character's ideology and personal outlook will be vital to how they interact with the world; maybe they think all things must come to nothing, maybe they have faith that all will be well in the end or perhaps they simply don't care.

To achieve their goals in this harsh world characters will be given the opportunity to wield great power, be this in the form of control over others, personal ability or magic, and will likely become the most influential beings within the world by the end of the game. Disparities in power are intrinsic to the setting though a major theme of the game will be the significance and consequences of power, in all its myriad forms, in a world that has no future and is full of other powerful people.

Character Creation should allow players to play almost any character concept and we strongly encourage people to play the full range of the moral spectrum; from self-sacrificing hero to malevolent dark lord. The setting is by design an antagonistic one and though we give players the ability to opt out of lethal conflict it is virtually inevitable that a character's goals will come into conflict with another's schemes, hence if you play the game you should expect PvP. Gameplay and turnsheet resolution will have a heavy narrative focus, though we expect that players will create most of that narrative, and will be run in a way that generates the most enjoyment and hopefully the best story for everyone involved.

introduction.txt · Last modified: 2010/03/17 22:49 by gm_oliver
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