Sebastian, Speaker of the Void - DEAD

Player: Jonathan H

Sebastian is well known as a charismatic leader in the watcher cult The True Church of the Void. Followers of the cult believe that the Gods still exist beyond the disjunction and have chosen select individuals to hear their new teachings on how to repent for the sin of rebellion. They believe by following such instructions that either the disjunction can be halted, or that they will be safely preserved and rewarded when they finally cross over.

Sebastian is infamous for being the charismatic leader of the True Church of the Void.


Historians generally belong in one of three camps with respect to Sebastian. The first, small, group believe he was actually following directions from the remaining wills of the old gods, somewhere out in the void. This hypothesis is rejected by most as surely they would have been able to better direct him in sending the sherds to them. The remainder are split roughly equally between those who think he was a powerful sorcerer out to play with others for his own amusement, and those who think he was a delusional true believer who had something wrong in the head.

Regardless, there are some facts that all agree on. He could stand down sorcerers and protect his loyal followers from them. He developed a major power in the end days, and turned that to the task of assisting the void. He very nearly succeeded as part of the final attack that brought down the Clockwork Heart. Finally, good men and women gave their lives to stop the evils he perpetrated. If people had paid attention and stopped him earlier, before he had converted a third of the world to his twisted ideals, perhaps more could have been saved.

bio/jonathan_h.txt ยท Last modified: 2010/06/19 22:58 by gm_oliver
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